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Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People

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Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People

 March 1, 2022
Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Two elderly women chat with each other while making paper-cuts at a care center for the elderly in Huangjiayu Village of Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
People enjoy themselves at a care center for the elderly in Huangjiayu Village of Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Volunteers prepare lunch at a community care center for the elderly in Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Elderly people practice Taiji at a community care center for the elderly in Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Volunteers serve lunch at a community care center for the elderly in Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Elderly people enjoy their lunch at a care center for the elderly in Huangjiayu Village of Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


Care Centers in Shandong Provide Assistance and Care to Elderly People
Elderly people enjoy their lunch at a community care center for the elderly in Lanshan District, Rizhao, east China's Shandong Province, Feb. 27, 2022. Lanshan District of Rizhao City has set up care centers since 2021, providing assistance and care to the elderly people over 60 years old. [Xinhua/Guo Xulei]


(Source: Xinhua)


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