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Expanded Xinjiang Museum opens to public

TIME:2024-06-03 18:29:26 Source: Internet compilationEdit:entertainment

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Actors perform at the Xinjiang Museum in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Reg

Actors perform at the Xinjiang Museum in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 16, 2022. The reconstruction and expansion project for the Xinjiang Museum has been completed and the museum opened to the public on Wednesday, bringing a new digital experience for visitors. (Xinhua/Zhou Ye)

The reconstruction and expansion project for the Xinjiang Museum has been completed and the museum opened to the public on Wednesday, bringing a new digital experience for visitors.

Located in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the expansion area of the museum covers more than 12,000 square meters, bringing the total area of the museum to nearly 50,000 square meters.

The renovated museum is expected to receive 2 million visitors every year.

A themed exhibition focusing on the history of Xinjiang spanning from the pre-Qin period (pre 221 B.C.) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) is ready for visitors and cultural relics including embroidered woolen textiles, bamboo slips and paper document, murals, sculptures, clothing, jewelry, metalware, leather items are on display.

The museum's new digital immersive experience program will allow visitors to experience immovable cultural relics and diverse scenes from ancient times.

An exhibitor demonstrates a digital immersive experience program at the Xinjiang Museum in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 16, 2022. The reconstruction and expansion project for the Xinjiang Museum has been completed and the museum opened to the public on Wednesday, bringing a new digital experience for visitors.(Xinhua/Zhou Ye)